Saturday, October 28, 2006

So what now? The Weekend?


That's such a HUGE word, not in terms of it's ACTUAL size, but in terms of the magnanimity it assumes.

A "Weekend" is defined as:

1) Time to sleep as much as you want without having to bother about anyone waking you up, unless the neighbourhood dog decides to create a racket.

2) Time to do what you want after sleeping, go out, watch a movie, jam with your band, laze at home, spend time with your folks, play PS2 games ( not everyone can.. hehehe )

3) Time to catch up on things you couldn't do over the weekdays.

4) TIME.

Ah, pure bliss.

And I get a sms saying " This is my new number. Pls make a note of it and keep the phone ringing".

Sure. I mean, I will keep it ringing without knowing who you are. Dolt?

So when does it all start getting dull?

Sunday evening. Knowing that you've to GET UP early the following day, and get to college, work, wherever. And I do not have to elaborate about Mondays.

Oh, btw, I am blogging RIGHT NOW, as of this VERY MOMENT, because I want to make conversation ALONE and not with anyone else. So to everyone else, my brain is absolutely blank and refuses to make conversation.

What do I get for saying that?

Anon: You sound weird.

Me: Nah, I am writing a blog.

( Thought bubble : Er, I AM? Weird? )

Anon: AH, so you're busy!

Me: I "just" started.

( Thought bubble : What? I am confused now, I thought I was weird and now I am busy? )

Anon: Go, blog away to glory, die.

Ok, what do I do now? Sometimes, I cannot make sense of anything that happens around me.

What do you do, when you run out of ideas? When you would rather be left alone?

Is there a feeling of restlessness which creeps in, which makes you want to do some activity or the other? Do you just sleep? What? Comments are welcome. Options tried include:

1) Being a carrot. ( AKA vegetable )

2) Playing/listening to some music, watching movies, reading thought provoking books. READ - Entertainment.

3) Blogging.

4) Surfing.

5) Going out to the terrace, gazing into empty space.

6) Sleeping - this doesn't help much, atleast in my case.

7) Eating Cashew Burfies with Tomato Ketchup.

8) Refusing to get out of this "state" and contemplating about what to do next.


Creative inputs will be well-appreciated, refrain from being "stupid".

Oh yeah, what is the general opinion on the Coffee Day/Barista phenomenon? There has been a specific term coined amongst my circle of friends, called the "Thumri". This "Thumri" is supposed to be a guy/gal who does everything in order to look different, or stick out like a sore thumb, just to make sure he/she fits in with the "cool" things in life.

Now the reason as to why I introduced this term here, is because:

1) Apparently, the feeling is, that people "hang out" at Coffee Day are more "Thumri"er than the people who "hang out" at Barista. This point is open to argument. The point being, that everyone does the same thing, so why do you need to do it too?

2) What do you think of the "Thumri" phenomenon? What according to you might be the definition of a "Thumri"?

Oh, back to the SMS. The chap decided to be smart! He responded with his first name. :)

What's the problem? Oh, there are a LOT of people who I know with that very SAME first name. It's very simple. To make this process much easier to the guy who's sending out his new number, or anyone who wants to send his/her new number out, can use this template:

"Hi, My name is "Full Name with initials". If you remember me, pls save my number. If you do not, ignore this message"

The only "doubtful" part of this message might come across if the "Full name with initials" field is known to the recipient as 2-3 different people with the same "Full name and initials".

Fun eh?

The probability is very less. So go ahead and use this template, it won't bite.



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