Friday, December 15, 2006

I won't tell you.

Why do people need to think of titles all the time for their blogs? Strange.

It's 9:37 PM , atleast - where I am right now. Another 6 nights, and I am back in Bangalore. I love every freaking organism there.

Pretty good developments back home - My band's gonna be headlining @ Mount Carmel's College on the 6th of Jan - 6 PM onwards. Of course - with me. It's nice to be back to the music scene, missing it terribly. That show should be a killer!

It's been more than a month outside the country, there are so many things DIFFERENT here. I guess I might be stating the obvious, but it just isn't India. Nothing like India... trust me on that. I guess foreigners who come to India might have the same opinion about their homeland, but there's something unique about India.

People welcome you with open arms, there's always a sense of warmth about everyone's behaviour. It's very difficult to find the same trait in other countries. Not like I have visited many, but I know it from what people have told me.

It's robotic, very monotonous, people doing the same thing everyday, over and over and over again. The same kind of silence in the trains, the same kind of clothes, the same faces, every single thing has quite a degree of monotonicity. C-O-L-D. The weather as well as the people.

It's the truth, I suppose they are used to this kind of lifestyle, and it just goes on and on and on.

And you can just go with the flow.. do the same thing everyday. You don't know the language? You don't understand what people speak around you? There's not a single display board in English? BAH!

It's beautiful though, there are a lot of scenic places and monuments if you feel like going and watching them when it's -2 to 5 degrees Celsius.

And if you didn't understand the title of this blog, read it this way - "Title: ......................". Yes? Good.

Ok, that's it for now. Yawn.
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