Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So, just like I start all my other periodic (!) posts on this blog, here's one more with the "Oh, it's been such a long time since I wrote anything here!" tirade.

Everyday there are a gazillion questions floating around my head, mostly about a particular topic. The funniest thing is, these questions are never going to be answered. I wish there was a "Mind-Reader" app which you could install on yourself and you could try it say 10 times, before actually buying it.. wouldn't you wanna buy it? I might want only around 3-4 tries :D

But either way, what's life without its tricks and intricacies? (When I typed this, the first dude who came into my mind was Sri Sri Sri Sri.... no offence of course, it's just the philosophical angle).

You live through these situations to see the light of day. All these things just help you learn, and maybe tell you in subtle ways that things aren't always what they seem to be. You learn to accept this fact, and you move on. Difficult for things to work your way ALL the time. YOU have a specific way of doing things, and coming to conclusions/decisions. It doesn't mean that the world can work in the same manner! Gotta let the world be, let it work it's way through all the permutations and combinations, and one day, when your time comes, it will settle down on you. Just ride this humongous wave of ups and downs. Surf. Surf I say.

And you will be happy.



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