Saturday, May 01, 2010

Reaching deep..

Perverts, the title isn't for you. So outta here.

Others, fakers, real people etc., read on.

My blog. Good ol' blog. How are ya? Been a while, almost a year.

In this big bad world of competition, where everyone's playing against time, rushing day-in and day-out, living in their own sweet little worlds, there's very little time devoted to anything else.

You, your other half, if you have one, your folks, if they are staying with you, and that's it.

People who you would have known, been great friends with thru' college/school whatever, shared every single little thing with, don't seem to be around anymore.

Wait a minute, they are around. But they are around for FUN!

--> FUN!

They are not around for anything else!

When you just wanna unwind, once in a blue moon, have a couple of drinks, reminisce about the good ol' days, you want them.

Otherwise, you don't care if they are alive or dead. Yes, you read that right. You don't care if they are alive or dead.

Is that really the way it works today? In this new millennium? In this everyday rat race, where nobody cares about anybody else, apart from his/her own needs?

My dear friend, if you have chanced upon this blog, and you happen to read this post, you might identify with this. Does this sound like you?

*Caution - Long word coming up, separated by hyphens for better readability*

When was the last time you found out how any of your supposed "close-pals-who-you hang-out-with-for-having-FUN, -but-who-you-don't-really-care-about-once-the-FUN's-done" is? On your own? Without any of those "CHAIN MAILS" going around?

Then ask yourself this. Does it matter to you how they are? Or is it enough if you just have your dose of fun once in a blue moon and you forget about them later?

If it doesn't matter, the answer's plain and simple. You are self-centered, selfish, (redundant) and you don't really care about anything happening with anybody, apart from your own little world.

Which is perfectly fine! A lot of people think that these set of characteristics suit them perfectly. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, well, at least from a self-centered, selfish perspective.

The last I heard a couple of good old elders tell me, being selfish/self-centered is a negative thing. Not good apparently. The more giving one is, the more happiness there is.

So GIVE, they say.

Give, not because you will get back, but because you will restore the balance in today's world.

Give, because the recipient realizes that you are there for him/her, and that he/she can count on you.

Ultimately, the world will become a symbiotic give/take society. H-A-R-M-O-N-Y.

Did make sense.

If it does matter to you, then do you think you should start doing something about it? Maybe by checking if someone's alive once in a while? Is that a good starter? Yeah, I guess.

It's funny, because just when you think you know someone pretty well, you get statements like "I give a damn if others check I am fine, I am here to have FUN! Let's not get too EMOTIONAL about it!"

Then there were 2 categories of friends for the discussion:

a) Friends who you have FUN with.
b) Friends who you have FUN with + an EMOTIONAL bond. (Meaning: care, being there etc. etc.)

From a), you don't expect care, compassion and true blue friendship. You get FUN.

From b) You get what a) gives + you get care, compassion and true blue friendship.

Simple situation:

1) Said subject is in a supposed grave situation.

2) Said subject didn't get calls from either category a) or b) to find out if everything was ok.

So, when asked, if said subject would have any qualms if categories a) or b) didn't care or inquire about said subject in this situation, the answer was the same.

"I give a damn if others check I am fine, I am here to have FUN! Let's not get too EMOTIONAL about it!"

When persisted about who falls in the elite league of b), it was dismissed, stating that it doesn't matter, in a rather uncomfortable manner.

Yet, this someone, this same said subject, did care. Did show concern when the situation needed it, with another person, who was in the VERY SAME situation.

So, what are we, as a society, hiding behind? Why is it difficult to express? Why is there a need to show less sensitivity? Is it COOL?

Or have what our fore-fathers, who taught us the meaning of hospitality, love, freedom and simplicity, all of which are at the very CORE of being Indian, gone to the dogs?

Is it too old-fashioned to be this way now? Is it too old-fashioned to care? Is it too old-fashioned to believe in traditions? Is it too old-fashioned to expect good ol' friends to share their happiness with you, openly, on a happy occasion?

I don't think so.


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