Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Understanding me.

Well, I have been trying to figure out, why some of my dear pals get annoyed/are getting annoyed with me. ( Rare occurences )

Possible candidates:

1) I bug. Literally.

2) I am too blunt. Not literally.

3) I don't keep up my word. ( I so bloody well doubt this ).

4) People just don't get it. ( Which I think is the case half the time ).

Listen, I am not about to get all heated up and go into raptures of depression to try and figure out why. But what does intrigue me, is that whenever people do get annoyed, which is quite rare, which is what prompted me to write this blog, they do not explain the darn situation.

Very simple. This is what you have to do if YOU get annoyed with me, and if I don't know what I've done to annoy your sorry ae. ( ass )

1) Tell me what I did to annoy you.

2) Let's have a nice constructive argument, we can keep time limits if you like.

3) If you still wanna act stubborn and annoying, yes annoying, I will still try and find out what's bugging you. I got loads of patience.

4) You wanna call me names in the process? Go ahead, it's gonna strengthen my resolve even more :D

5) If you don't wanna get into 1) and 2) and you don't wanna get out of 3) and 4), 6) will hold good.

6) Everyone's got a limit, even me when it comes to patience, my patience in particular. So, you cross the limit, you are branded a kid with an annoyingly short fuse. Now, how you get rid off the brand is left to you. Grow up, that's all I can say.

Anyway, all you guys who think I've annoyed you, please read this. Must be a little more insightful about how I work when things like this happen to me :)

Take a chill pill mae! ( man ). Bah!



Blogger Sumida said...

1) You don't bug. You ARE a bug.
2) You are too blunt. Literally.

5/15/2007 10:38 AM  
Blogger V said...

You folks deserve it :P

5/15/2007 10:56 AM  

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