Tuesday, April 01, 2008


It really is.

I mean, have you ever heard of this line called "When it rains, it pours"?

It starts, it doesn't stop. It keeps happening. Over, and over and over again. How often have I used those words?

The problem here is this stream of thoughts, one after the other, which somehow seems to keep accumulating, without being jettisoned. The sub-conscious mind is at work SO MUCH, that it's leading to weird dreams, nightmares. Why.. last night I imagined shaving my drummer's beard and also giving him a cut in the chin for being rough. I was also involved in a gun fight with a gang of 6, who I eventually managed to shoot down with my phase pistol, right out of Star Trek. But the phase pistol ran out of battery when I was about to shoot the last guy down.

Funny eh? When it's down, it really is down everywhere. The law of averages is bound to catch up on me sometime or the other. I know that I will hit a purple patch of happiness soon enough. It's just this "pursuit" which is dragging me in circles, loops, you name it.

On a brighter note, I really wish I could stop having nightmares, dreams etc. It would really help my psyche if I had a peaceful night's rest. It would really help if everything was perfectly alright.
I don't want to be a cynic, I won't, I never will. I will promise myself today, that I will do what I think is right, that I will not hold back on anything, that I will continue to be true with respect to every single action I do and every single word I say. I am not afraid of my feelings, I am not afraid of anything. I am old enough to face any situation. If I really want something, I will go and get it.

I am gonna reopen the 'cool'. Soon enough.



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