Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Here is gone.

Lookie, I am becoming ME. I am going to STOP going into a shell, I am going to stop wasting my time by beating around the bush with some people, I will get to being ME.

It's amazing how I've noticed that certain parts of my character start disappearing sometimes when I am apprehensive about interacting with a certain set of people, this is purely with people who really really mean something to me.

Once I start going into this shell, I sometimes hit a point of no return, and I swear - this is going to change, starting now. You like/appreciate/dislike/detest me for me. Period. The Complete Man - Raymonds. GAH! NOOO. Stop cracking PJs, down!

From now on, there's gonna be more brutal honesty, brutal frankness, downright brutal straight-forward me. Don't like it? You can suck an egg. ( Of course, I can be discreet too, but that will obviously depend on the situation, can't behave like a guldu all the time ).

"And I want to get free,
talk to me,
I can feel you falling
And I wanted to be, all you need,
Somehow here is gone"

Beautiful words.




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