Monday, October 22, 2007


Dear Blog, ( How cheesy )

It's been sometime since I accessed you. How have you been, languishing in cyber-space with not that many hits? X-(.

So, here I am .. after quite sometime. Been extremely busy with a LOT OF THINGS to be blogging here, felt like a couple of times, never somehow got the "active enzymes" in my body to get going.

This whole take on materialism is kinda getting me low. I've come across quite a number of shallow people in my life, it's a wonder that these people even exist the way they are. What goes around, comes around. So beware.

How often are our minds persuaded by external forces? Very often. Examples:

1) Great looking car.
2) Great looking bike.
3) Great looking gadget.
4) Great looking clothes.
5) Great looking shoes.
6) Great looking girlfriend.

We've been forced, drawn, tempted towards things which may "appear" great from the outside. Have any of us have taken the time out to relate these external features to what's happening inside? Don't get it? Here goes:

1) Great looking car. Alright, what's the mileage? How's the driving comfort? How comfortable are the seats? How safe is the car in terms of sturdiness?
2) Great looking bike. Ditto.
3) Great looking gadget. What are the features? Do they help you? Is the price tag worth it?
4) Great looking clothes. Quality? Material? Out after a couple of washes?
5) Great looking shoes. Heard a guy tore his sole in 2 days flat. Another tore his laces, and so on.
6) Great looking girlfriend.


6) Great looking girlfriend.

Yes, what? That the only thing? What about the inside? For all you perverted tykes, outa my blog. We can take THOSE kinda discussions offline.

Inside - Brains, ability to understand people, to be sensitive when required, to be supportive, ability to understand YOU.

Without the "Inside", the outside stands at 0. Zero. An egg. If any of you chaps is in a relationship, and the above sounds EXACTLY the opposite, then it's time to say bye-bye.

So.. what's shallow?


Lacking depth of intellect or knowledge; concerned only with what is obvious; "shallow people"; "his arguments seemed shallow and tedious"

Lacking depth of intellect, emotion, or knowledge

Not able to think seriously or feel deeply
Example: a rather shallow personality

I've come to realize, that no matter how people behave around you, no matter what opinion you might have garnered about them, their true colours come out only when their backs are towards the wall, only when they are confronted with a situation they don't know how to get out of.

The interesting thing here is what happens "during" the situation described above and what happens during the "aftermath". How does the shallow/deep categorization happen?

Sometimes, it's difficult to even come to a conclusion in the "during" situation. But the "aftermath" indicates a LOT of things, and invariably, people tend to give it out in the "aftermath"(the fact that they are shallow). Guess what, they wouldn't even notice it. Why? Shallow folks aren't necessarily the smartest living things on 2 legs.

It would be for the greater good, if all us folks did manage to give some time and thought towards the internals, towards the dynamics of everyday life, towards people we meet, learn to enjoy with and respect.

Respect is built over time, it takes a shallow mind to destroy it, either way.



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