Friday, September 07, 2007

Nothing, it's just plain anger.

Relationships cannot be built if there's no respect. If they were ever built without, they will end up in shackles one day or the other. You respect the partner, you have sowed the seeds of a good relationship in the making. You despise the partner, you think he/she is not upto the mark, you think that you are way more clever/brighter/superior than the partner? You think it will work? Not happening.

There's no way a relationship can last if there's no element of maturity. There's no way a relationship can last if there is a lot of sadism. There is absolutely no way a relationship can last if there's a lot of ego.

It's not a tit for tat game. Doesn't work that way. Grow up.

Understanding yourself is the first step in maintaining good relationships. You don't understand yourself? Don't you worry, you will lose it all one day.

Once relationships are built, make sure that every little moment is nurtured, make sure that you don't forget the past. The times you've shared stories together, the times you've shared happiness, sadness, glory, joy, warmth together. These are the elements which will hold the relationship for ages to come. You don't remember all these and you decide to end the relationship? You don't have a conscience, you are heartless. You are basically a worthless piece of human being crap living your life for no reason at all.

Understand each other, respect each other. It will all come together...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

11/10/2008 11:53 PM  
Blogger V said...

If it's true, it's always interesting.

11/11/2008 6:50 AM  

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