Thursday, December 27, 2007


That's a big word huh? Pun intended.

No, really, makes a truckload of difference.

The mere thought of infinite possibilities in life, and all the good things which come along, outweighing every little bad thing which happens!

It's too short to be taken seriously, like a friend of mine said.. But when you do, give it everything you got, without thinking about the consequences, give it your mind, body and soul. The results would always be a reflection of how much you've wanted anything/anyone all along. If it's meant to be, it will be.

"Know what I pray for? The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't and the incapacity to tell the difference"

A very obvious Calvin and Hobbes reference, but hey, I have the strength to change what I can, to accept what I cannot .. and in some cases, even tell the difference. But who cares about telling the difference when you can figure out what you can or cannot change about you, about anyone around you or anything related to any darn thing under the sun! :-)

I am signing off, feeling good about myself, feeling good about every single person who means a lot to me, and the special one.



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