Thursday, December 27, 2007


That's a big word huh? Pun intended.

No, really, makes a truckload of difference.

The mere thought of infinite possibilities in life, and all the good things which come along, outweighing every little bad thing which happens!

It's too short to be taken seriously, like a friend of mine said.. But when you do, give it everything you got, without thinking about the consequences, give it your mind, body and soul. The results would always be a reflection of how much you've wanted anything/anyone all along. If it's meant to be, it will be.

"Know what I pray for? The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't and the incapacity to tell the difference"

A very obvious Calvin and Hobbes reference, but hey, I have the strength to change what I can, to accept what I cannot .. and in some cases, even tell the difference. But who cares about telling the difference when you can figure out what you can or cannot change about you, about anyone around you or anything related to any darn thing under the sun! :-)

I am signing off, feeling good about myself, feeling good about every single person who means a lot to me, and the special one.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

3 minutes left..

.. in the first half of a football match I am currently watching.

But that's just half the reason why I am here.

I am going to scream, shout, curse as loudly as possible right now.. here, on this blog. Don't want the neighbourhood to wake up you know..

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! &$*%*^%^%@^%**$*$*$**%%&!$*$*&)*$_!$*_$($_!$(($&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% TAKE THIS YOU @*%)%*@*%(*@%(%@((%(%(@%@.

Ok, I am done. Right on time as well - I wanted to make this real simple and short. So it's almost half time and I am almost done with this post.

People who read this.. honestly, whatdya think of the blog? Do you want to see other topics covered too? :D

I know I am acting smart, hardly enough people to visit this page of mine and I am already asking opinions! Tut tut!

That's ok, someone's gotta start somewhere.

Heard of this thing called "Never have expectations" ? I don't believe in that shit. I'd rather have expectations, watch them turn into reality and savour the moment. It's REALLY ok to have expectations - apart from the obvious fact that it *might* let you down, make you feel miserable.. heck, it's ok, have expectations, think about superlatively, fantabulously, beautiful things. They will happen.

I am overtime now, it's already gone into the ad break, the first half is over.

So I am outa here. I wish some folks I want to, really read this blog, not just merely read it, but UNDERSTAND it.

Dig? Good.


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Alright y'all.. Front and Centre!

Right where I want you.. a little to the left, yeah, that's perfect!

Now sit down right there, and read this.

I am trying to see how best I can express myself here, in such a way, that most of us common-folk who visit this blog, also understand it from their perspectives.

And I am losing sight of whether I want this to be my dustbin or whether I'd want this to make a difference to people who read it.

I am giving up on the latter, because the former serves the latter's purpose, and if it doesn't, to hoots.

I am in the zone. You know, the zone. Where you can get in, and there are 2 ways out.

Way 1: One which will positively bring you happiness, joy, EQ, company, everything together, with baggage, which is not necessarily termed baggage, but is something beautiful.

Way 2: One which will take you to the depths of the zone, shovel you around like a cloth stuck in a washing machine, or dishes stuck in a dishwasher, squeezes the life out of you, leaves you wanting, craving for more and then you are kicked out of the zone with nothing left but, a lot of learning.

Way 1 seems to be much better.

Folks who have gone through Way 2 and then have gotten to Way 1, I congratulate you. You must be quite happy right now.

Folks stuck in Way 2, keep at it, one day, Way 1 won't be that far.

I sign off on this optimistic note. I like.

The rest, of course, is left to your imagination.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Guess who's back

... after hibernation.

Not really, wasn't sleeping all this while.. but I never had a situation to write about, never was I immersed completely in my web of thoughts. It was a welcome break from my intense self.. but I am back again.

So what's happening this time?

I feel like I am going in rewind mode. I think some joker up there thinks it's fun to see how I react to every other question/situation put forward to me. I am being wound up, and being played again and again, like some lame ass, broken taperecorder.

( PS: Looks like my blog went past the 200 as well as the 250 marks while I was hibernating, thanks you guys.. it's because of you readers that I continue to dish it out. *SIGH* )

Where was I? Yeah, the rewind bit.

I have the following questions to ask you, maker of mine:

1) Why are some specific things not simple for me?

2) Why do I not get what I want most of the times?

3) Why do I have to go through the same things over and over again, before potentially facing the same old disappointments?

4) What character traits do I exhibit, for me to go through point 3)?

5) Why am I the punching bag? Why am I the shoulder? I don't wanna be.

I believe that at this point of time in my life, I have transcended being the shoulder, I am in a different plane altogether. At this point of time, I become the shoulder, I become close, only to people I think I see a rosy future with.

To reiterate, I DO NOT get CLOSE to ANYONE without thinking about the future that lies ahead, I may not say it in as many words, but that's the way it is.

There was a "decision making" post of mine somewhere earlier in this part of the web.. and it still remains the same. I make 'em and I stick to 'em.

Nobody can make me shut the door to possibilities which are beautiful and gorgeous. I will not allow that, I wouldn't expect it from anybody else either.

Especially when the door was not shut EARLIER.

I believe in going with the flow, I believe in doing the right things at the right time.

I believe that if 2 people are meant to be together, the signs are seen very early, and these are the REAL signs. Don't fight them folks, believe them, trust your feelings, trust each other.

I believe it takes 2 different people to enjoy a conversation, I believe it takes 2 different people to converge towards a common base, I believe 2 different people CAN get along beautifully well, as has ALWAYS been the case.

2 people need to be different - for the puzzle to be complete. Can't have 2 similar pieces in a jigsaw .. can you?

Everything's gonna be alright..

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