Monday, May 21, 2007

Auto Drivers

Come on - how many people have talked about these chaps? Looks like they are in a world of their own when they get inside that contraption to drive 'em!

Here I was at the end of my road, ( ok, not really my road, but the end of the road in which my house is situated, thank you ) trying to catch an auto pretty quickly as I was already late to catch my bus to get to work!

1) The first chap doesn't even BOTHER looking in the direction from which the "AUTO" call came.

2) The second chap asks for 30 bucks, when the place is just 1.6 kms away, minimum charge is all that is applicable, I ask him to take a flying fuck.

3) The third chap looks extremely pissed, as if he hasn't had any for a LONG time, the moment I tell him my destination, gives me a grim, menacing look and says "Change idre banni, illadre time waste maadbedi", loosely translated into English from Kannada as "Come if you've change, otherwise don't waste my time". So, since I was in a hurry, and the fact that his attitude didn't matter to me as long as I got to my destination, I said "Yes" in a hurry and got in.

4) So, the story goes on. My bus stand is located on the other side of a busy signal, so I typically get the Auto guy to drop me on the other side of the signal, since I always cut it close by 2-3 mins, and even if the bus decides to drive away, I can catch up with it using the auto.

5) So, somehow today, I seemed to be 2-3 mins early, and I told the very decent, dignified, cattle rapist auto-driver to stop right behind the bus, after we crossed the signal.

6) So what does he do? Instead of being happy that I've the EXACT change to give him, he gives me a scornful, angry look and tells me, "Ivaaga naanu oorella suthkondu vaapas hogbeku, sumne signal hathra ne iLdidre yen kashta, ee putkosi hanneradu rupaai ge", again loosely translated as " I have to take a whole damn circle to come back to the main road because of this, you could have gotten down there itself, and it was just for a puny 12 bucks".

7) So I told him that I have a damn bus to catch, and I'd always like to make sure that I DO CATCH IT, instead of RUNNING BEHIND it.

What a retort : "Ee auto nimgalla irodu" --> "this auto isn't available for you guys"

Me : "Howdri, namage seve maadodu neevu, nim kelsa idu, naavilla andre nimage business hege sigathe?" --> " Yes sir, you give us your auto service, it's your job, without us how would you get any business?"

Note: At this point of time, I've already gotten out of the auto and I am walking towards the bus.

AutoMan : Starts swearing

Me : "Aee.. hogri!" --> "Aee.. get out man"

End of story.

These guys REALLY need to get a life, sheesh! How many of you've been in an unfortunate Auto Driver incident?

Sheesh, frustrating way to start a Monday!


Sunday, May 20, 2007

And somebody answers...

"hey, I've been waiting to talk to you for sometime now
hey, I've been wanting to get through to you for sometime now

for you to tell me -
you've been watching the clouds go by
and you got nothing to prove
counting each and everyday go by
got no time to brood

let me say -
it's alright - I'll smile my way
it's alright - I'll walk all day
it's alright - I'll talk my way
into your sunshine, shine like I will shine"

More to come.

Stay tuned.

Same blog channel, a different blog time.



I shall ask the following, the answers will be in my next blog.

"In my darkest hour, you weren't around. How would it matter anyway if you were gonna be around when it wasn't really gonna matter? Now is when it really matters, now is when it really counts. Where were you during this time... where were you?"

Out of my blog..




Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Here is gone.

Lookie, I am becoming ME. I am going to STOP going into a shell, I am going to stop wasting my time by beating around the bush with some people, I will get to being ME.

It's amazing how I've noticed that certain parts of my character start disappearing sometimes when I am apprehensive about interacting with a certain set of people, this is purely with people who really really mean something to me.

Once I start going into this shell, I sometimes hit a point of no return, and I swear - this is going to change, starting now. You like/appreciate/dislike/detest me for me. Period. The Complete Man - Raymonds. GAH! NOOO. Stop cracking PJs, down!

From now on, there's gonna be more brutal honesty, brutal frankness, downright brutal straight-forward me. Don't like it? You can suck an egg. ( Of course, I can be discreet too, but that will obviously depend on the situation, can't behave like a guldu all the time ).

"And I want to get free,
talk to me,
I can feel you falling
And I wanted to be, all you need,
Somehow here is gone"

Beautiful words.



Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Annoying tendencies.

I keep thinking about some really crazy topics for my blogs. Ah well.

*Disclaimer - I am pouring out a lot of thoughts into this, some of which maybe derogatory to the fairer sex. Take it with a pinch of salt*

I have been a part of a lot of soul searching discussions amongst my guy pals. Almost all the time, the topic veers towards girls. Guys talking about girls is quite common, especially when they get together, watch out, I know it's common knowledge already.

So, what do they talk about? They talk about how annoying women are. No, we don't praise you to the skies, even girlfriends seem to be a pain these days.


Everytime it leads to be the same answer. You are just not straight forward, you make things work like Center Freshes or Wrigleys or even Boomers for that matter!

Still don't get it? How's this - S-T-R-E-T-C-H-?

Wouldn't life be simpler for men as well as women, if women spoke their mind about their feelings for a guy?


1) You think a guy is plain annoying? Tell him. I am SURE any self-respecting guy would understand and lay off your cases. Don't do a "I am avoiding/ignoring you" routine, it simply screws the matter even further.

2) You're good looking? Wow, haven't you already scored points now! SO STOP BEHAVING LIKE GOOD OL' LIZY FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! "Vain"-ness will not be tolerated. Modesty is something which women don't have, ESPECIALLY when it comes to their looks. It increases their value in their OWN eyes by 10 fold. Now, really get a life and start behaving like a normal human being. Don't put your price up.

3) Guy tries to ask you out, you refuse. Simple. He gets the message. Don't behave like chickens and MAKE UP excuses. I have heard a lot of them from my pals, and each of them gets better with time. "It's raining and I can't come now". And you are just 200 metres away!!!! WTF?

4) Stop giving this routine about being a FRIEND for life when a guy tells you about his feelings. I mean CHRIST! The poor chap has already gone through a million iterations in his own head about what he wants to tell you, and how he wants to do it. He doesn't WANT you as a friend. Get that into your skulls. You stop the relationship right then and there, tell them it's not happening, in time I am sure, if there was ever gonna be a trace of friendship, it would happen. Give it time.

5) If you have feelings for a guy, TELL HIM. Stop dropping fishing hooks everywhere! It's ok until a certain period of time, but it's so friggin' annoying to keep 'em guessing. Shit!

Ok, I am not being a sexist, I am not being a chauvinist. This is not being written after taking one guy's opinion into consideration. I am pretty sure that women out there would have complaints too, you can voice it out here for all I care.

Bottomline - stop being a pain in the backside, make life simpler for you and people around you.


When will you EVER learn?


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Understanding me.

Well, I have been trying to figure out, why some of my dear pals get annoyed/are getting annoyed with me. ( Rare occurences )

Possible candidates:

1) I bug. Literally.

2) I am too blunt. Not literally.

3) I don't keep up my word. ( I so bloody well doubt this ).

4) People just don't get it. ( Which I think is the case half the time ).

Listen, I am not about to get all heated up and go into raptures of depression to try and figure out why. But what does intrigue me, is that whenever people do get annoyed, which is quite rare, which is what prompted me to write this blog, they do not explain the darn situation.

Very simple. This is what you have to do if YOU get annoyed with me, and if I don't know what I've done to annoy your sorry ae. ( ass )

1) Tell me what I did to annoy you.

2) Let's have a nice constructive argument, we can keep time limits if you like.

3) If you still wanna act stubborn and annoying, yes annoying, I will still try and find out what's bugging you. I got loads of patience.

4) You wanna call me names in the process? Go ahead, it's gonna strengthen my resolve even more :D

5) If you don't wanna get into 1) and 2) and you don't wanna get out of 3) and 4), 6) will hold good.

6) Everyone's got a limit, even me when it comes to patience, my patience in particular. So, you cross the limit, you are branded a kid with an annoyingly short fuse. Now, how you get rid off the brand is left to you. Grow up, that's all I can say.

Anyway, all you guys who think I've annoyed you, please read this. Must be a little more insightful about how I work when things like this happen to me :)

Take a chill pill mae! ( man ). Bah!

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