Thursday, June 07, 2007

Serious Rhapsody

The title might just be a little off key, it is I guess, but it's ok.

Know why I use this space? The answer might be extremely common and obvious, but:

1) It's a nice big dump of the head's intricacies.

2) It's a nice big dump of accumulated frustrations.

3) It's a nice big dump.

and for once, it doesn't smell!

I am an idealist, I still am, but I find that my notions are changing, slowly, but surely. Although I'd like to keep my view point the same, sometimes I tend to look away from it too.

I believed in this "Friends for life" thing, as girly/emotional/whatever as it may sound. I find that I am slowly drifting away from that very opinion of mine. I don't think there's anything actually like that, I might be proven wrong sometime down the line, but for now, it's fading away from me.

People around seem to be going away, seem to be taking things for granted, there's hardly any respect left, it's just not happening. It's an age where people'd rather be left alone, instead of hanging around with close chums and pals, everybody's on the lookout for his/her own benefits, nobody cares for each other - it's not there anymore.

The world's becoming more and more driven by "the self". Every person to himself, don't need company, don't need no one. Happy with his/her own life. Watching this as a 3rd person, and sometimes as the chap on the receiving end, I can't help but wonder what it'll be like 10 years down the line. If the meaning of true companionship has come down to just "Birthday treats", "Movies" and all other material things, there's no point anymore.

It's all good being together for all the things I've mentioned above. But if your presence isn't felt when there's a dire need, why do you even term it "Friendship"? It's all about being there bud, it's all about understanding, it's about respect, it's about not taking people for granted.

I actually did hear from some chap that friendship actually means taking friends for granted. The chap in my personal opinion, needs to be hung upside down, tickled feverishly and should be spanked silly.

When you take people for granted, you are in turn not respecting them, you destroy the sanctity and the purity of the relationship. Friendship is built on mutual respect and admiration, it's not built on anything else, so make sure you chaps follow this golden rule.

Till next time.



Blogger SINDY said...

Sounded so depressing man...excepting the last few paragraphs..the right punishment fr such ppl

6/30/2007 7:26 AM  
Blogger V said...

Ah, well - more realistic than depressing I guess :)

7/01/2007 6:38 AM  

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