Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New Blog! New Blog! People Bashing!

Y-E-S! I am BACK! Note the distinct echo! ( New blog .. new blog.. and fade ). For all those people who visit this blog ( not too many ) and for all those who don't visit it ( that's a little too much ), I am BLOGGING again - and this one's SPECIAL. It's a PEOPLE BASHING blog - chaps who come and read this - if you think the description fits you, there you go - you understand! :P

Alright.. so here goes:

Person 1:

1) Don't act important, if nobody's worth your time, you are worth nobody's.

2) Respect people around you, no matter how insignificant or how amazingly dumb/stupid they can be.

3) Learn to reciprocate and understand people's feelings when they are talking to you or vice versa. Think before you talk like the old man said!

4) Just because you might be close to someone, it REALLY doesn't mean that you can say any damn thing under the sun to them and get away with it. Refer for solutions to point 2.

5) Be aware. Bottomline - that's not "Beware" btw, it could have been had my fuse gotten a little shorter, but that's another story altogether.

6) You assume you are practical... SHOW IT!

Person 2:

1) Ah, you have a couple of person 1's traits - Look for point 2 above.

2) Be decisive, stop being fickle.

3) Do not change colours - wanting folks when you want them and trash them when you don't.

4) Stop opening your big fat mouth! Learn to be discreet.

5) You are not the ruler of the world like you think you are, if and when it comes to that, all of us humans will recognize you. Arrogance ain't gonna get you nowhere.

Person 3:

1) Ego - not good, come down from your pedestal.

2) If you think there are folks in this world who are special to you, show them by being there for them and NOT by being MATERIALISTIC.

3) Don't run away from problems/tough situations, look at them in the eye, solve them.

4) COMMUNICATE from your side to folks who are special, they won't be doing that ALL the damn time on their own with you, if they see nothing coming from your end. What do you need in order to achieve this? Point 1.

Alright - you 3, figure it out.

Right, so there are different character traits for each of these folks. And I believe now, that if somebody WERE to read this AND follow all the points above - you will be or you ALREADY ARE one nice guy/gal and you will find a place in my row-boat or anybody else's for that matter. Heck - this IS the RECIPE for the perfect person! Any more additional points?

See? Anger can have it's positive effects! I will add/delete whatever's there in this post in future, depending on what I feel and what I perceive.

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