Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Conversations with GOD.

I have heard of that title before, I don't know when/where/how. But I've heard of it, and it made sense to use it here.

It's been funny how the past few days have been going. I have this habit of just standing silent in front of the prayer hall @ my place, talking .. yes, talking for a couple of minutes and THEN going to bed.

The funny thing here is, I didn't have this habit before.

So.. I talk, I talk about what I want, I talk about what I want to do the next day, I talk about almost anything and everything which might seem to be present in my mind at that point of time. It somehow eases the mind, puts it to rest, gives me a sense of calm which I haven't really felt before. It's not gay, don't even think about it.

To top it all, touchwood.. where's that desk of mine.. ah! There. Done. To top it all, the day goes like I want it to go, I feel in control of myself. I feel ready to take on the world. It's a "relatively" new feeling, and I am living it. It feels nice.

Another day will start tomorrow, and it will eventually end. Things will happen again, things will be nice, things will start to get better than nice, and it will be the best someday.

Before I lose track and get even more confusing... Over and out chaps and chapesses.



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