Monday, August 20, 2007

How far are we taking Independence?

It's interesting to see the mindset of people these days.

It's very interesting to see that there is a general trend of westernization, a more conscious brand sense, commercialization.

It's also extremely interesting to notice, that the "Indian" in people generally seems to be going out of the window.

Take the Times of India publication for example. Nothing against you guys FYI, this is just my opinion. Bangalore Times has to be the joke of the century. Especially when it comes to the Page 3 section. Who the heck cares who these people are? How in the world are they even making a difference to society? By "Partying", "Letting their hair down", "binging" etc? You must be kidding me.

The above stuff means that I do read it, I do read Bangalore Times. I am not being a hypocrite here when I am saying this, but I read it because of it's mindless stupidity which gives me entertainment or more reasons to point out flaws and generally point out everyday to folks who think alike about how things are changing.

Which brings me to Independence.. how are we being Independent? Are we being "Independent" when it comes to making decisions? Are we being "Independent" when it comes to representing India and our glorious culture which has now almost been laid to rest because of these toddlers who'd do anything to get on to a newspaper? Are we being "Independent" enough to understand that Bureaucracy exists at grass-root levels and we do everything we can to counteract it everyday without realizing?

Representing "Independent" India, is by standing up and being counted, is to do something which will make a difference to society. I slowly am getting the feeling, that there's so much of "broad-mindedness" getting into our culture, ( it is good, but it's not supposed to be misinterpreted ), we are losing track of what/who exactly we represent.

The term : "Being Broad-Minded" is to accept all possibilities in life and make decisions based on the most practical/logical/feasible choices. It's NOT in anyway to become an alien in your own country/state/district/city whatever. Respect the culture, tradition.. the whole deal which comes with it. These are our roots, this is who we are. Let's not make monkeys out of ourselves by being somebody we aren't, and we are never going to be. Let's live and experience life originally, let's be tolerant. Let's respect our kith and kin. Let's show the true meaning of being Indian.

Reality people, feel mother earth. Get those feet on the ground.. life will definitely be more pleasant. Nobody needs to fake it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man...u sound so much like a preacher..while elaboratin on broad-mindedness n all..easy to pen down such thoughts,but hey u actually practisin all that u sayin??!...he he;)

8/28/2007 3:29 AM  
Blogger V said...

Of course I do, this blog wouldn't exist otherwise.

And what are you so scared about? :P

8/28/2007 3:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa...good for u Mr.Preacher..n btw me NOT scared , m in awe!:D

8/28/2007 4:34 AM  
Blogger V said...

Yeah? Then why be Anonymous? :)

8/28/2007 4:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cos i'd prefer it that way!:)

8/28/2007 10:00 AM  
Blogger V said...

Weird ways of the winsome world!

8/28/2007 10:13 AM  
Blogger V said...

You are talking about the line I used above?

Gee, you are another one of 'em posers who knows me! GAH!

8/28/2007 10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duh...which line u talkin about???

8/29/2007 3:57 AM  
Blogger V said...

My bad, I was talking about the other post.

8/29/2007 7:18 AM  

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