Sunday, August 05, 2007

Waiting for the day to end..

Ever had one of those days.. where it actually starts with amazingly positive anticipation and ends up amazingly BROCOLLI-ish? Why am I saying that? Because the blasted day left a real BAD TASTE in the mouth!

This was supposed to be my band's farewell gig, our lead guitarist is moving to the US. We were preparing for this, from quite a while now. This = Freedom Jam.

We are all set to go, our slot's at 8:20 PM in the evening, the programme's actually 1 hour behind schedule - so our slot was GOING to be @ 9:20 PM.

We got there @ 5 PM sans our drummer, who had some personal matters to attend to. The whole place looks superb, 3 different stages and the ground's SUPERBLY muddy and sloshed, thanks to all the rain pouring down over the past few days..

We get a call at around 6 PM from our drummer saying that he met with an accident, ( nothing happened to him.. thank god ) and the guy who banged into him - who incidentally, jumped a signal, broke his jaw and was lying in the hospital AND he belongs to a clan filled with local rowdies who are out to make a quick buck.

So we rush all the way from Palace Grounds to Southend Circle, pay off the family, visit the cop's station blah blah blah... and all's supposed to be rosy? NO.

What now.. the drummer's servant maid tries to commit suicide because her brother apparently beat her up. And how does she decide to do it? She drinks surgical acid which is @ the drummer's place.. when his wife wasn't looking. Super eh? How BAD can a day get? Wait.. it got worse.

So, we didn't play @ Freedom Jam, we didn't have a send off gig for our lead guitarist. So, I am obviously depressed, and I want to unwind by hanging around with my pals. I give a call to a couple of them, who were still @ Freedom Jam, and they decided to get to my end of town to have dinner.

I got back home, freshened up, got out of the house, to the end of the road, I am about to get to the dinner place. So what now.. we were supposed to be having dinner and end the day on a high note? NO.

I got to the end of the road, gave one of my pals a call. Happily enough, 2-3 of them are drunk ( not the one I spoke to on the phone ) and they wanted to get to Lavelle Road to eat Pizzas and then come to dinner this side of town. 8:30 PM - very likely eh?

I obviously didn't go, so what am I doing? I am venting right now.

When I actually look back on the day now, and especially this last episode.. I don't understand this point of getting drunk. These so called "friends" of mine, who were happy having a laugh, living life nice and hard, playing a lot of sports etc. This CHANGE - smoking and drinking, something which I do not do, even though I play for a Rock 'n Roll band, and I am "SUPPOSED" to be doing this because I play for one - I just don't get the motivation behind this "HABIT" of their's.

What's the point? Getting drunk on 1 day out of 365 is just about ok, but 2 in 2? You must be kidding me.. has your life gone out of control THAT MUCH? What happened to the nice image around 6 years back? This isn't "COOL", it's absolutely DISGRACEFUL. Think about it, you guys are just screwing your own lives... in the name of being "COOL". Shit, I can't despise this fact enough!

Manchester United just won the Community Shield. Something to cheer about.. for me.



Blogger Unknown said...

Why didnt you call me Booboo??Why ?? Why ?? Am I nothing to you ?? Would you prefer some drunk, smokie type peoples instead of me ?? I would have come Booboo. I really would have..... you have forsaken me. My Life is over...

8/06/2007 5:24 AM  
Blogger V said...

Gee.. for some kinda seriousness offmae, I'd let you take all the books from my place :P

8/12/2007 10:15 AM  

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